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Southwest Conservation Corps

Hard Hat on trail


Press Release

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  • Logoforwebsite

    COVID-19 Response Plan

    Press Release

    June 29, 2020 | This will be updated regularly by Conservation Legacy staff with changes or further announcements. Last updated 6/29/20.

    The safety of our participants, staff, and partners is our utmost priority. We have activated an Incident Response Team dedicated to addressing the impact of COVID-19 on our organization.

    Below you will find updates regarding Conservation Legacy’s response to the emerging concerns related to the COVID-19 (Coronavirus).

  • Logoforwebsite

    Conservation Legacy Brand Refresh

    Press Release

    April 13, 2020 | Throughout 2019 and continuing into 2020, the Conservation Legacy Communications Team has been analyzing our brand, visual identity, messaging and communication strategies. It has taken the effort of our entire staff to pull together a comprehensive body of research, culminating with our 2020-2022 Strategic Plan. With that, we have refreshed our Conservation Legacy logo and program visual identities.

    Source: Conservation Legacy


Word of Thanks with Kyle Clark: Support Southwest Conservation Corps

Right now, Southwest Conservation Corps faces a $46,000 funding gap due to federal budget uncertainty—putting our summer youth crews at risk. Without this support, young people will lose the chance to gain life-changing skills while Colorado’s public lands go without critical restoration work.

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