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Southwest Conservation Corps

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Youth Conservation Crews

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Info at a Glance

Position: Youth Conservation Crew Member (Day Crew and Camping Crew member positions available)

Who: High School students ages 14-18 in the Four Corners Region or Los Valles Region who are interested in working outdoors serving their communities and want to gain more skills!

When: Choose between Session 1 (late May to June) and Session 2 (mid-July to mid-August), each session lasts 4-5 weeks

Location: Your local county!

Pay: $14.42 per hour, 32-40 hours per week

Benefits: Food provided when in the field, uniform shirts, personal protective equipment, structured educational lessons from trained staff, mental health consultant on staff

Which Region Are You In?

Locate your home county on the map below to determine which region you live in. If you live adjacent to one of our regions and would like to participate, please contact the program staff of your closest region.

The dots are approximate meet up locations.

Map-with-New-Mexico.png#asset:12331- Alma 2- Salida 3- Saguache 4- Del Norte 5- Alamosa 6- San Luis 7- La Jara 8- Hesperus 9- Cortez

Do you live in one of green/striped counties? You're in the Los Valles Region!

Head to the Los Valles Region Page (Park, Chaffee, Saguache, Mineral/Rio Grande, Alamosa, Costilla, and Conejos Counties) to view more information and apply!

Do you live in one of the blue/polka-dotted counties? You're in the Four Corners Region!

Head to the Four Corners Region Page (Archuleta, Dolores, La Plata, Montezuma, San Juan, and northern New Mexico Counties)

**Is your county uncolored? Visit the Colorado Youth Corps Association to find a youth corps in your area!**


Youth member on our first Youth Backcountry Crew!

Thank you to our generous supporters of the Youth Program!

Four Corners Region: Ballantine Family Foundation; City of Durango Community Support Funding and CERF Funding Moniker Foundation; Southwest Community Foundation; United Way of Southwest Colorado; 12 Hours of Mesa Verde Beneficiary Grant

Los Valles Region: Chaffee County Community Foundation, Sangre de Cristo Electric Association and Robert Hoag Rawlings Foundation

Both Regions: Colorado Health Foundation; Office of Behavioral Health; Great Outdoors Colorado Generation Wild

Word of Thanks with Kyle Clark: Support Southwest Conservation Corps

Right now, Southwest Conservation Corps faces a $46,000 funding gap due to federal budget uncertainty—putting our summer youth crews at risk. Without this support, young people will lose the chance to gain life-changing skills while Colorado’s public lands go without critical restoration work.

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